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Arrival                                                     7:30-8:30

Classroom doors open at 7:30 for PALS. Preschool day begins at 8:30. Please remember to say goodbye before your child comes to the rug for opening music.


Opening Music                                        8:30-8:45

Please join us if you can for a few songs, announcements, birthday songs, etc. It is most helpful if you just wave goodbye to your child when we sing the “Goodbye Mommies and Daddies Song”. Wednesdays are Chapel Days for the Green & Red Group Children. Our 6th Grade Buddies come to pick us up at 8:35am. Thank you for being on time.



Station One                                            8:45-9:45

Children break into their small class groups for learning centers both inside and outside. This time of the day focuses on developing social skills through play and experiential learning activities to help us grow academically. This includes language, math, art, music, movement, and literary activities.


Restroom & Snack                                9:45-10:05

Snacks are provided for each child individually by their parents. We would like to encourage healthy and nutritious snacks. Milk and water are always available.


Station Two                                          10:05-10:45

Same as Station One and Three; small classes move to different classrooms or outdoor space.


Station Three                                        10:45-11:45


Worship Time                                       11:45-12:00

This time of day is for songs and a  Bible story together as a large group. We focus on Old and New Testament childhood stories and especially enjoy the times leading up to Christmas and Easter. We also focus on our monthly “Core Virtues”.


Dismissal (1/2 day)                               12:00 noon

Some of our friends will be picked up and go home at 12:00. We will sing the “Goodbye Song” to each child as they are dismissed.


Lunch Bunch                                       12:00-12:35

It’s time to use the restrooms again and wash up for lunch. Parents may provide lunch for their child or sign up for hot lunch options. Details are in the Blue Note each week.


Story Time                                           12:35-1:00

Research shows, the way children become readers and writers is by developing a love for reading and exposure to print. Story time includes reading stories for enjoyment as well as stories based upon math and language concepts.


Nap & Rest Time                                 1:00-2:00

All children need to rest their bodies, but not all need to sleep. All children will be provided with a cot to lie on. Please provide a crib sheet and blanket for your child. We will provide a quiet room and let your child sleep as long as needed. Please let us know if s/he needs to be woken up by a certain time. Please do not send sleeping bags or pillows.


Free Play                                              2:00-5:30

Children make choices for both inside and outside play.  A variety of activities will be planned by the PALS teachers in the afternoon.  Snack time is usually around 3:30.


Dismissal (3/4 Day)                                3:00


Closing Time                                          5:30pm

Thank you for being prompt in picking up your child.

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